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About D.N.F.T.®


Our Philosophy


Find it.  Fix it.  Leave it alone.

Using a biofeedback mechanism to assess the nerve interference in your body, I am able to find and correct any structure, soft tissue and bony structures alike. There is never any twisting or high velocity movements with this method. Each treatment is tailored specifically to the individual on the day of the visit, so each adjustment is unique and builds on previous visits. This creates an environment in your body for longer lasting corrections, and often times quicker results.


Directional Non-Force Technique® Chiropractic is the original low force method of chiropractic, first developed by the late Dr. Richard VanRumpt (1904 - 1987), and now further developed by his successor, Christopher John, DC.


Dr. John maintains a referral list, of which I am on, for patients who are seeking a D.N.F.T.® practitioner. Those on the list must be current with D.N.F.T. Seminars, and pass written and manual tests. 


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